Monday, 17 August 2015

Alpenrose, Zurich

Continuing my resolution to visit at least one new place a month, last weekend I headed to Zurich, Switzerland.  There I met an Australian friend who has been over travelling around Europe for the last 7 weeks! 

As a fellow foodie, our first stop on Friday night was dinner out. We chose to go to Alpenrose – a restaurant recommended by Lonely Planet, Time Out and TripAdvisor… 

It’s a traditional Swiss restaurant with a menu focused on original Swiss dishes using locally sourced products. Time Out described it as "the real and completely non-touristy Swiss food experience".

We started off with an Alpenglühen – similar to an aperol spritz made from Mondino, vodka and herbal lemonade. 

The very helpful waitress eagerly talked us through the menu and recommended their particular specialities. 

We decided on a shared plate of yummy veggies to start… 

"A plate of cold marinated local organic summer vegetables"

Followed by two dishes to share… 

One of Zurich lake fish 
"Zurich lake white fish, net caught from the nearby peninsula and fried in butter with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lemon and roasted new potatoes"

And one meatball dish 

"Tessiner Vitello from veal, marinated from the local butchers with organic beans and roasted potatoes"

Both yummy (though we decided that the meatball dish could have done with some sauce) 

We nattered through the evening before heading back to our hotel for tea and dessert!

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Address: Fabrikstrasse 12, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

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